Sunday, September 29, 2013

Night before the new job!

Well, similar to Friday's post, nothing particularly exciting has happened to me over the weekend to report! Saturday I slept in until 10am then had a cup of coffee in bed... what a great way to start the day. I then hit the gym for most of the afternoon, had to get a good cardio session in for the weekend in case I felt like indulging in something bad for me. I did 13 miles on the bike, 4 miles on the treadmill, and 3 on the elliptical then worked my back and shoulder. As you can expect I was absolutely ravenous by the time this workout was over but I knew Lauren and I would probably do dinner of some sort so I sat staring at my phone waiting for her to wake up as I viciously ate my allotment of 6 almonds and 24 oz of water. In what felt like 42 years, she said she was up and we ordered dinner at Olive Garden. I went and picked up chicken parmesean for the three of us. I had half of my chicken parmesean dinner, some salad.. and dare I say a breadstick. I admit it, I ate a buttery, garlicky breadstick and enjoyed every calorie. I figure 20 miles of cardio more than makes up for it and I will feel no shame!!
After dinner I headed home to watch some tv and go to sleep, such an exciting life I lead. I was looking up pictures and thought also this was funny hehe.
I apologize if I offend any of my audience, just couldn't resist. Today I was extremely lazy, like set the new record for laziness but not leaving my bed except for food and the bathroom until 4:45pm....I kid you not my talent for laying in bed, watching Gilmore Girls is unparalleled. I finally got up and met Olivia at the gym for a nice Sunday evening workout. Much needed after my lazy day, my body was happy to get the blood flowing!!
Stomach getting flatter..thighs are still large, i cannot win that battle!!!

My new sneakers!!! I did about 45 minutes of cardio then a hardcore ab circuit that will ensure I will not be able to sit up tomorrow. Oh well! I got home around 7 to eat some dinner, I actually took a picture this evening, aren't you all so lucky! I had lite italian wedding soup, an orange, and 9 almonds.. delicious.

Lauren, Aaron and Bails came over and hung around while we facetimed the parents for awhile. They left and I sat down to watch Revenge after taking a shower. All my shows are coming back, and it's pathetic to say I am too excited. Gives me something to do at night!! Tomorrow is my first day at work!!!! Orientation starts at 2 and I hope you all will send good vibes my way that all goes well this week and I will start making money by next week!!! Which couldn't happen any sooner because I no longer have bread or eggs or the basic food groups. Need money and to go food shopping haha! I am more lazy then poor, but it will definitely be nice to have an income again! My last picture of the day is another new thing I am going to start each blog, a quote to end on! Miss you all and hope you guys have a great week!
High: Got such a good workout yesterday
Low: Weekends are always a bit lonely
Weather: Getting chillier but still very nice weather!!

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