Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Saturday Night Delight

Hello all! Sorry for the lack of post yesterday it was quite the busy day. Woke up early to find out that our poor Bails had the sniffles, so I headed to the doctors with Lauren to make sure everything checked out alright. She's fine just her very first cold! Then hung out at Lauren's till Aaron got home. Finally I made my way back home and lounged about had some lunch, 5 chicken nuggets, 12 almonds and an apple with cinnamon! Delicious and nutritious. After that I proceeded to apply to every job in the city limits of Greenville. 3 jobs at the hospital, 3 different Starbucks locations, at a grocery store, Barnes and Noble, and another restaurant. It was exhausting but I had to get a good workout in to combat the Mac N Cheese I was craving later that night. I intended on doing an hour of cardio then calling it quits. However since I missed morning workout, my trainer, Marc, had other plans for me. He had me whipping this big heavy rope up and down 20 times then 10 pushups then 20 times then 50 crunches. OVER AND OVER. Cue jello arms. I limped back to my treadmill after 30 minutes of torture to get a quick run in before retreating back to my cave. Though, college educated, smart girl that I am decided oh no I'll just run to Walmart and get food for the week since I'm already out. Walmart... on a Friday night..before a huge football game... My college education clearly did not teach me the ways of the South and their Walmart on a Friday night. I walk in to a state of shear chaos. I stop for a moment at the gates nearly mowed down by a large woman in a bright purple leotard with ECU written on the rear. I kid you not. I am not in my natural habitat down here and slowly proceed with caution through the store. I get all of my necessary fruits, veggies, and protein and head to the check out. Imagine your wait at the end of the month to get your car inspected at the DMV... but worse. There are actual police directing people to lines, you just cannot make this stuff up. Rookie mistake on my part going at that time but 20 minutes later I finally check out and walk 10 miles to my car to head home. After the disturbing time spent in Walmart, I had to lie down before making dinner. Also never in my life have I been asked so many times if "I'm going to the game on Saturday" and when I say no, they give me a look of shear disgust and bewilderment as to what could possibly be more important than "the game, ya know on Saturday." No I am sorry, I am not attending the beer drinking function where football is played on Saturday, I apologize. I ended up going to bed early last night because all this South has gone right to my head.
Saturday I had the luxury of sleeping in, but of course woke up at 7 because my body is so used to it now. I lounged about then fell back asleep till about 10:30, made myself a cup of coffee and some fruit and sat my fat butt on the couch and watched television all morning. No shame. I finally got moving a little after noon and went to the gym. I ran 3 miles at 11minute pace, so proud of myself! I'm making progress even with my running so I am pretty happy about that. I met a lady who was also from the North and we were talking about all the Northern food that we love so much more than down here. DOWN WITH THE BARBEQUE GIVE ME SOME PASTA AND BAGELS. And real pizza. And subs. Mmmm carb lover over here! But she was nice to chat with while I did some lifting. 

After that I talked to my parents and grandparents, so happy to know my Poppop's surgery went well and all are well in the fam. I spent the rest of the afternoon leisurely getting ready for dinner tonight because yes, I ACTUALLY WENT OUT. Shocking, I know, I went somewhere other than the gym, Lauren's, or Walmart. A banner night for me, I went to Sappari, a Japanese restaurant with Lauren and her friend Amber. It was so nice to actually get out and have some human contact with someone other than people at the gym. I had steak and shrimp for dinner with tons of leftovers to enjoy tomorrow, yum!  Got home around 10:15pm and it felt way past my bedtime! But I am sitting here watching tv getting ready to hit the hay. Love to you all!
High: Going out to dinner!
Low: Still traumatized from Walmart yesterday
Weather: Absolutely gorgeous about 80 degrees

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